15 August
i am at home, finally. yay
but my grandfather is drunk again..
oh. okay.
i am going to my uncle's birthday party.
will be back late. bye, guys. love you..
I quarreled with my little brother again.
He is unbearably naughty and violent.
I can't manage with this child.
And he started stealing money.
Today he showed me one LS which he took away from my pocket without any permission.
I was really shocked..
hungry :c
Best wishes, Andrew!
It is your day :D
Hah. I never knew how to make a speech.
i admire her
Надо поверить в то, что ты реально достойна лучшего.
Нужно перестать слушать о плохом, нужно перестать общаться с вечно ноющими людьми, поскольку все эти бытовые проблемы заразны.
Если ты здорова, у тебя вообще нет проблем: просто много работай, и все сложится.
Все решения очень просты.
Толстая? Используй диету Майи Плисецкой: «Не жрать!» - и в момент похудеешь.
Заждалась принца? Во-первых полюби себя, и прискачет целый полк на белых конях.
И не ищи пути «к себе, к успеху, к гармонии» и к прочей ерунде.
Будь проще.
И купи новые туфли.
© Эвелина Хромченко
i wrote this post in 20 minutes. nerd :D
hey, guys. (yeah, i go on writing in english)
so, this night was absolutely crazy.
we laughed like abnormal all the time. we've talked for hours.
i don't regret, that i agreed to sleep with the girls together.
but now, when they both are gone, i feel so lonely.
fuuuck :c
yesterday i was crying a bit, while we were talking about the future. i am afraid of that.
i definitely will miss my latvian friends and my classmates too.
hah. terribly.
i will miss Aleksey. but it doesn't matter. i know that i will forget him. possibly, we won't meet..
hey. stop doing that! everything will be alright. just believe me.