2 January
I like being around Daniel. His disability to control himself in terms of using drugs alarms me and makes grieve for a short instant, but then I understand that it does not matter as he is a mature person already and I am not eligible to interfere his life.
Whatsoever, I feel safe beside him and he is a passable if not a great interlocutor (honestly, I like that he is extremely chatty).

The script I have been working on for a week is almost done and sent. I have to adjust some details and then..we will see how far it gets.
Hanss Ulrich Obrist
Герт - дьявол на троне.
"Ты просто читаешь, а не представляешь. Еще раз спрашиваю, что объеденяет все эти фрагменты?".

Ну йохайды. Тот момент, когда тебя заставляют увидеть собствнное дитё в другом свете.
No, he hasn't. Thanks for giving me your time.
Possibly, he has already done it without me knowing :D
It seems that sooner or later he will ask me to go to hell :D
I have finished the plot for the screenplay competition hosted by DirtyDealTeatro. It's called 'Misunderstanding'. Asked some volunteers to read it and leave their comments, only two persons responded :D Nevertheless, it will either change my life or leave it the same. It is worth trying anyway.
Why don't I give up on searching for life events I don't need and people whom I won't ever love?
Met an Indian man named Dinesh yesterday. Have just spend two hours talking. Sounds promising.