29 February
И тут у Джона появилось вдохновение
Good evening Ksenia. I am really sorry for not answering you during the last few days. I had actually now idea, what to write. So when I've seen you at the university the last two Mondays I was kind of freaking out. And I actually had no clue what to say to you, since the situation felt kind of weird. Last time, when I wanted to meet you at the coffee shop, I actually wanted to talk to you in a atmosphere, that was not inviting to kiss or go even further. I actually wanted to stay there a couple of hours and afterwards I wanted to have a good night of sleep alone. Seriously. Sounds kind of shitty and weird but I enjoy being alone at night. So I would like to meet you again, but next time on Friday or Saturday and without any intention that anything will lead to more. So, I would like to excuse myself again for not answering and I hope you can sleep well.